About IPL
If you are concerned about how your complexion looks because of dark spots, sun damage, or rosacea, Elevate Medical Spa and Cosmetic Surgery, led by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thornwell Parker, can offer you a skin examination at our Dallas, TX office to see if you would benefit from intense pulsed light therapy (IPL). An IPL photofacial is a rejuvenating skin treatment for adult women and men with redness from rosacea and hyperpigmentation blemishes on their face and neck. IPL may not be an invasive procedure, but it can be very effective and produce impressive results. The procedure involves sending specific wavelengths of intense light to target very specific structures in the skin. These include brown pigment, red rosacea, hair follicles for hair removal, and deeper layers to start the natural regeneration process and boost collagen production. In time, you should see healthier skin with a more even skin tone and fewer spots.
Ideal Candidates
A photofacial works deep within the layers of your skin to correct many of your problems (especially sun spots and brown lesions) with little or no recovery time. The best candidates for IPL treatments at Elevate Medical Spa may have many issues with their skin, including sun damage, rosacea, hyperpigmentation (brown spots), wrinkles, large pores, flushing, melasma, age and sun spots, or dilated capillaries. Our team will assess your skin to see if you are a candidate for a photofacial during your private consultation.
IPL Photofacial Reviews
Procedure Techniques
An IPL photofacial is completed in our Dallas, TX office in about 20 – 30 minutes in one of our treatment rooms. To start the photofacial, the technician will clean and dry the skin to be treated before covering your eyes with special shields. The IPL photofacial is administered with a handheld device that will be passed over the skin, emitting pulses of laser energy. While most patients will feel some discomfort during the procedure, it is generally tolerable for the fast treatment time. Often, a topical numbing cream is applied before the treatment and some oral medication can also be given when requested. When the treatment is over, your skin will be slightly red and swollen for several hours.
What to Expect
There is no recovery time needed with a photofacial treatment — you will simply leave your appointment with your skin a little inflamed and red. This will subside on its own in several hours, but it can be camouflaged with makeup if you want. Over the next several days, the blemishes that rested under the skin will come to the surface skin layers and then begin to flake off. It's critical to keep your skin protected from the sun at all times after receiving a photofacial treatment and to not pick at the flaking skin. While you can see some remarkable results after just the first session, your skin will get the best results after several IPL photofacial sessions. Our doctors recommend approximately 3 – 6 treatments scheduled about once a month at Elevate Medical Spa. For lifelong skin health and beauty, we recommend ongoing yearly maintenance treatments as part of the Forever Young BBL protocol.

Plan Your Procedure
- Average Cost
- $350 - $600
- Recovery Time
- None
- Average Procedure Time
- 1 hour
- Post-op Follow-up
- 3 – 4 Months
- Procedure Recovery Location
- Outpatient
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Get Back your Glow
You probably didn't worry too much about your skin when you were young, but now that environmental damage, such as wrinkles, sun spots, and other blemishes are becoming visible, you may be interested in procedures that fix your skin. We invite you to learn more about IPL photofacial treatments and the Forever Young BBL protocol by calling our Dallas, TX office and scheduling a skin assessment with our Elevate team. With IPL photofacial treatments at Elevate Medical Spa, we can go deep within the layers of skin to help restore a radiant glow and a healthy complexion.